A day trip to the Pisac Ruins

by ilive4travel

Published on Dec 1, 2018

I have visited the Pisac Ruins twice, the first time I did a great sacred valley tour.  It is a one of my favourite day trips from Cusco Peru.  The second time I decided to get the bus from Cusco as I wanted the freedom to spend as much time as I wanted there to fully explore everything.  It is definitely one of the things to do in Peru if you wanting to visit Inca ruins.

About Pisac

Pisac (or Pisaq in the local Quechua language), is located 33km east of Cusco in the Sacred Valley.  The town of Pisac Cusco is located at 2,900 metres above sea level and was built around the 1570’s by Viceroy Toledo.  The town is located along the Vilcanota river and is as well known for the pisac market days it holds every tuesday, thursday and sunday as the Pisaq ruins that are above the town.

The Pisac ruins Peru are high up the mountain with the altitude of Pisac Peru at 3,400 metres, it is not known exactly when they were built but it is not earlier than 1440, and they were destroyed by the Spanish in the 1530’s.  It was a royal estate with military, religious and agricultural structures and its believed that it was used to defend the southern entrance to the Sacred Valley, with Choquequirao defending the western entrance and Ollantaytambo the northern.

Getting there

Getting to pisac from cusco By Bus

To get to Pisac you first need to be in Cusco, for flights to Cusco.  Cusco too is also 10 hours by bus from Arequipa, where you can do activities such as hiking the colca canyon and hiking el misti the volcano in arequipa.

Once in Cusco, I decided to get the local bus from Cusco to Pisac so that I could spend as much time as I wanted there.  The cusco pisac bus leaves from Calle Puputi Cusco (Puputi Street Cusco) which is just off Recoleta.  It is about a 15 minute walk from the Plaza de Armas.  Make sure that you take care of your belongings as there are travels scams you need to watch our for on all the buses in Peru.

The cusco to pisac bus also passes Sacsayhuaman and the other Inca Ruins near Cusco.  On Puputi street you will hear lots of men shouting “Pisac, Pisac”, these are the minibuses to Pisac which go quite frequently or when they are full.  It should cost around 6 soles (2 USD) for the bus Cusco Pisac and you can negotiate less if you are not going that far.

The journey is normally around 45 minutes and they drop you off by the river in Pisac and it is just a 5 minutes walk to the entrance of the ruins.  The minibuses return from Pisac to Cusco from the same place.  The buses can be crammed full as they are generally for the locals, but if you are on a budget or want to spend longer exploring then it is a good option.

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how to get to pisac from cusco By Tour

Lots of companies offer Pisac tour day trips from Cusco to the Sacred Valley Peru including Pisac.  They normally drop you off at the top of Pisac Ruins as there is a road near the top and you walk down to the village and have a quick explore of the markets on your way out.  Some tours are available also to just visit the markets in Pisac and not the ruins, so check when you are booking that it includes the ruins in Pisac and not just the market.


Where to Stay

If you want to stay in Pisac then there are options of places ranging from USD5 a night to USD84 a night.  Click here to find out more information.

A popular option is to stay in Cusco, which is what I did and get the bus or a tour.  I stayed in Pariwana Hostel which I really like.  Find more information on Pariwana Hostel here or to see other options of places to stay in Cusco click here.

Cost to Visit Pisac

As I was spending over 3 weeks in Cusco I decided to get the Cusco Tourist ticket “boleto turistico cusco” for 130 soles (40 USD) so that I could go and see all the Inca Ruins in Cusco and the Sacred Valley.   The ticket includes entrance to 16 attractions in the area and is valid for 10 days, so if you are spending some time in the Cusco area then it is certainly worth the money.

Things to do in Pisac

As you get near to Pisac and are driving down the valley towards the river you can see Pisac high up on the mountain in front of you.  It is an amazing site, you can see the farming terraces cut into the side of the mountain.

Once you have walked through all the markets and parted with all your cash from buying some of the amazing clothes and trinkets they have in Peru, you will see the welcome to Pisac sign. The large market is open Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday though you will find a smaller market open on other days.   You carry on up this path, where you will have your ticket checked before finally entering Pisac.  It is open from 7am to 6pm so you have lots of time to explore this huge site.

It was a royal estate and as you are climbing up you can see the agricultural terraces that were built into the side of the mountain.  The fertile soil was brought from the valley so that the crops would grow.  If you start in the village it is quite a hard walk up to see “Inti Watana” which is where the ceremonial platform and temple of the sun are, but you can rest, take lots of pictures and enjoy the amazing views.

As I was walking up the mountain the views down into the valley were amazing.  I kept stopping to look and enjoy the views of the town and the river snaking through the valley.

As you are walking up the mountain you can see the towers from the citadel (the military part) above you.  I continued upward not realising that these towers would mean I was only halfway up the mountain.

When I reached the military sector I had a walk around as there are lots of ruins in this section, though it is hard to work out what the buildings were used for if you are not with a guide!!  There are people walking around who are guides but as I had done a previous tour I didn’t want to do another guided tour.  It is thought that Pisac defended the southern entrance of the sacred valley, with Choquequirao the west and Ollantaytambo the northern entrance.  The views looking down on the citadel are spectacular.

As you are walking up the hill from the citadel you can see the main ceremonial plaza, so it was head down and a trek up another steep hill to the top.

At the top I had reached Inti Watana the religious part of the site.  Here you can see baths, water fountains, altars, the temple of the sun.  Though for me the higher section was closed off.

After I had had a look around I had a sit down in a little covered area, the only area after the agricultural terraces with shelter, reading my book and just enjoying the view.

After this it was back down the mountain.  There are a few paths so you can go down a different way to how you came up and see different parts of the ruins while you are going down.  It would of been amazing to have been able to sit up here and enjoy the amazing views for a few hours longer, maybe next time!!

Once I was back at the bottom it was a short walk through the town and back to the bus for the journey back to Cusco before I would continue my journey up to Huanchaco.

It is a great site to visit and the views are stunning, though on a sunny day you will need to pack some sun cream and a hat as there is very little shelter!!  If you get a chance it’s worth a visit!!

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a pin created by ilive4travel about visiting the inca ruins of Pisac Peru showing four photos, two showing the terraces of Pisac down the valley and two of the military barracks of the incas


——-  About me ——-

girl sat on some wooden stairs wearing a black jumper

Clare from Ilive4travel

Hi my name is Clare and welcome to ilive4travel.  I am originally from the UK but spend most of my time in Peru, the country that caught my heart.

I have visited 73 countries and love to share with you everything I have learnt about these countries in my guides.

What to do in Ollantaytambo Peru

What to do in Ollantaytambo Peru

Most people who visit Ollantaytambo are just passing through to either get the train to Machu Picchu or as a last stop...


  1. Gordon Ward

    The places you visited looked wonderful even in dull conditions. The builder’s must have been extremely skillfull to have created the structures that have endured weather for the many centuries. Thanks for letting me see the sites not usually shown in travel books.

  2. Mel I TravelingMel

    It’s great that you got to spend some time in and around Cusco and really explore the area. It’s amazing how many Mayan ruins there are — not just Machu Picchu. Pisac looks amazing, especially the Inti Watana part.

  3. Noemi of Pinay Flying High

    I think I’d prefer to visit during the time that you did. I can imagine how the hike would be more difficult if it’s too hot and the sun’s shining specially since there’s no shelter.

    Love the terraces, we have the same in the Philippines and it’s just breathtaking! 🙂

  4. Jean

    Wow. Amazing photos. I don’t think we’ll have time to go here when we are in Cusco! It does look like a wonderful place to sneak away to and enjoy some solitary reading time.

  5. Only By Land

    3400 meters is pretty high up, I’m sure you’ll get fantastic shots from up there. Although you had wet weather, you still got good photos, sometimes the rain makes the old buildings shine. It’s good they have different paths to go up and down making a nice round trip with new things to see the whole time.

  6. Katharina

    My boyfriend is a huge history buff, so he would love this. I need to keep it in mind for future trips.Plus we love a good walk around the countryside. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Janine Good

    I would love to get to Peru at some stage. Pisac looks incredible! I definitely would be leaving all my money at the markets as I love getting things wherever I travel, I guess you could say i’m a travelshopaholic. The ruins do look beautiful and just how I would imagine them in Peru.

  8. Global Girl Travels

    I’ve always wanted to visit Machu Picchu when I do get to visit Peru someday. However, hearing about other Inca ruins is exciting since there are actually more to explore in the country. It is amazing to imagine how much time and manual labor it took to build those structures. And those agricultural terraces are quite impressive too!!

  9. Lynne Sarao

    This is so interesting! What made you spend 3 weeks in Cuzco? Pizac looks simply stunning – even in the rain. I love the terraces and the view of the city below. I’d love to go and spend the entire day exploring the ruins!

    • ilive4travel

      I went to Cusco for Christmas and New Year so I was partying for a week. It was my 4th visit to Cusco so It was nice to have more of a chilled time visiting places!!

  10. Allison

    My sister-in-law is from Peru so it a country that I have always wanted to visit. I think I would much prefer to do the solo travel as you have done this time rather than the tour. Those vendors would do doubt have been able to coax me to part with all of my money at the markets along the way lol

  11. neha

    The town of Pisac seems to be beautiful, sparsely populated and unexplored. it also seems to be right in the lap of nature. This is the kind of place I totally love. Thanks for sharing it

  12. Riely

    A breathtaking view even in the cloudy weather. I am not sure I would want to hike up the mountain in the hot weather!

  13. Courtney Jones

    Wow, it looks incredible! It seems like getting the pass was a good idea – you seem to have seen so much! It looks like an incredible spot to explore!

  14. Jenni

    Looks a great place to explore and must be good it you went back for a 2nd viewing. I have mobility issues so wouldn’t be able to walk around here but love seeing other peoples photos so thank you for sharing.

  15. Sara Essop

    One hardly ever hears about the other ruins in Peru besides Macchu Picchu so it’s great to learn about places like Pisac. The views from above are amazing. I’d love to visit there someday.

  16. Shem

    I love taking day trips to see more unexplored cities! I’d definitely take this one, with all the adventure-driven activities such as hiking and for all the lovely views. So glad you shared about Cusco — I’ll have to add it to my list!

  17. FS Page

    I must say you are utilizing your time in Cusco really well. The places look really scenic and weather too seems fine. I am glad you got this opportunity. The landscapes are beautiful.

  18. Jing

    I love that you went there the local way. It’s always a different experience and different perspective that way. And with those views, I would agree that the place is amazing even on a rainy day.

  19. Punita Malhotra

    Peru gives an impression of being so exotic and untouched, even though it is no longer a rare destination. It was interesting to learn that Pisac was destroyed by the Spanish in the 1500s. Trying to imagine it minus the destruction.

  20. Gokul Raj

    Loved the photos. The overhead view of the ruins are simply breathtaking. The weather does look overcast but still the place looks really cool.

  21. Danik

    After reading this I so want to check this off-the-beaten track destination. Great post. Loving the photos 🙂

  22. Angela @ Dang Travelers

    We are planning on hitting South America next year and have lots to plan. Thanks for all the wonderful tips! Your trip sounds amazing!!

  23. Nathan

    I think this is definitely worth doing a day trip over! The price isn’t bad and it looks really interesting. I would love to check it out when Im there.

  24. luxurybackpacking | Emma

    Wow this was some trip, it looks amazing! 3,400 metres is seriously high! I’ve never been to S.America yet, and its the only continent I haven’t been to, but definitely saving it up and writing down great places to visit like Pisac in Peru! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  25. Vicki Louise

    Even in the not-so-perfect conditions, the site looks amazing and the views are incredible. And being able to take a bus there and back so you could explore at your own pace is such a bonus.

  26. Sandy N Vyjay

    I am very impressed by the efforts of the people of Pisac to bring the soil from the valley for growing crops! It is very commendable that you are visiting such lesser known places despite of the weather there! Keep up the spirit!

  27. Stacey

    Such a great day by the sounds of it! I loved all the ruins around Cusco, so much history and absolutely gorgeous! I love all of your pictures!

  28. Raymond Carroll

    I love hiking and trekking and have experienced hiking at 3400m in Nepal, and know it can be heavy going, especially in the rain The history of the Incas has always fascinated me also. With the mountains and the history, Peru is definitely on my bucket list. Thanks for sharing!

  29. neha

    Such a beautiful town. The fact that it was built around 1440 and it was destroyed by the Spanish in the 1530’s means it didn’t live for very long, which I feel sad about. When I visit South America, I will definitely visit here

  30. L J Legend

    Hat’s off to you trekking up and down in the rain must have been hard work, but all worth it in the end for the fantastic views. I am a bit of a history buff and will keep your post in mind when I go on my travels.

  31. Corinne

    We took the bus tour to Pisac, but I wish we’d just done it on our own like you did. It looks so much more peaceful. We did go to the market, which was so colorful and fun. I loved it.

  32. Stacey Veikalas

    WOW I love love love ruins and ancient civilizations they are just so much fun! Your treck looks like a lot of fun and some great tips!

  33. Ticking the Bucketlist

    Love the picture of the green terraces … so soothing. There is so much of history around Cusco that I think I would want to stay there for a week. It’s so much fun to do a trip on ur own the way u did!

  34. Soraya

    What a great idea to buy a pass that lets you see all the ruins in the area. And 40 USD is super affordable for this. I love the idea that you can take your time to explore the ruins…especially if you are spending 3 weeks in Cusco. Oh my goodness – I can’t believe it was heavy downpour while you were climbing up. But glad that you were still able to explore anyways. It looks so incredibly beautiful and green!

  35. Michaela Terese Harrison

    South America is on my travel list, so thank your for sharing. Great photos. Machu Picchu and Cusco a must see!

  36. Priyadarshini Rajendran

    Inca ruins sound interesting. Want to check out them when in Cusco.
    How long would it take to reach the “Inki Watana” by the walk you said?
    Great photos by the way 🙂

    • ilive4travel

      It is about an hour or hour and a half way to the top 🙂

  37. Ashlyn | From Heart And Seoul

    I love the views from above! Peru just looks so naturally beautiful – plus I love to hike so this sounds like the perfect trip!

  38. Jacqui Cooks

    WOW how beautiful! Very informative post, I’d love to see the ruins now ?

  39. Marguerite

    Beautiful photos! I always love going off the beaten path when I travel! There is so much to see in Peru 🙂

  40. Manon | The Dutch countryside

    This looks honestly so beautiful! I will be going through south america next year so I definitely can’t wait to visit this place too. The showers were a bit of a shame, but then again, you’re in a gorgeous country exploring like a local. Not too bad haha.

  41. G&D Blog

    Wow. You nailed that history facts from the photos you took. My hubby and I will definitely check this place. Beautiful place in Peru.

  42. Mohit Agarwal

    That place looks so beautiful….a little hike took you to such amazing views and the weather made it even more exciting…wish you could have reached the top which was not possible due to heavy rain

  43. Mike

    Pisac looks spectacular! I love finding little hidden gems like this. The view and the hike are just so cool. I had no idea Pisac even existed until reading this!

  44. Joanna

    It’s good to see how the ruins from the top of the mountain look like. I have visited Pisac too when I was in Peru but for a different reason: a full moon ceremony, so I didn’t have time to go up. Did you like the market? I loved it, I ended up buying a big alpaca toy which I carried with me for the next 3 weeks. 🙂

    • ilive4travel

      I bet the ceremony was interesting. I did go to the market but didn’t buy anything as had already spent up in Cusco!!

  45. Marysia @ My Travel Affairs

    To be honest, I have never heard about this ruins before, very much up my alley. Great pictures 🙂

  46. Kelsey Çetin

    Wow this is an amazing guide! I’ve dreamed about going to Peru for a while and hope that dream will come true next year. 😀 I’ll be adding these ruins to my list!

  47. eric

    great recap

    im going today and so excited


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